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Internet Protocol


IP Address

IP address is a number given to each machine in the Network. In a Network it will be difficult to identify a machine by using their name. IP address provides a solution by giving a number to each machine in the Network.

IP address allows a host to communicate with another machine in the Network within any range. IP address consist of 32 bits of information, each bits are divided into 4 sections.


Types of IP Classes
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D - Multi-casting Companies
Class E - Research

Depending upon the host in the Network, IP address or range are picked, each and every class can hold only a specified hosts or computers.

Class Type Range Subnet Masking Network/host ID
Class A 1-126
Class B 128-191
Class C 192-223
Class D 224-239 Reserved for Multi-casting
Class E 240-255 Reserved for experiments and Research

Private IP

Private IP address can only be specified organization or large scale companies, these IP cannot used by public. The main purpose of Private IP is to provide highest possible security to the host machine.

These types of IP are used in high security needed organization such as Research, Military, Space Research or in some financial companies.